Today’s guest is Carmela Ramaglia, an author, speaker, and coach. At seventeen, she was hospitalized for anorexia weighing only 80 pounds. By twenty-five, she’d been in treatment 4 more times. At thirty, she was 200 pounds and suicidal, facing a choice to make: not live or live another way.
Now body shame and what’s the best approach carries a lot of emotion with it. A lot of it. Bodies are not private battles - they are the thing we see and notice about all of us. And our internal conflicts are manifested through our bodies – in terms of not just the looks and sizes but also through health conditions and disease.
And we do have a culture of placing value on people by how they look. And if we don’t meet someone’s standards, our shame about ourselves grows even deeper – as if we may be failing ourselves again.
So, listen today to today’s episode with the idea that how we talk about body shame or self-esteem and what Ameé’s guest did today to address her own issues and concerns is not a sweeping declaration that everyone needs to do it this way or feel this way about themselves.
We all have battles. They are all different. And the journey we choose to take for ourselves is for us alone to decide. Listen today with the idea of that perhaps maybe something Ameé’s guest today shares may resonate with you and if so, you might connect with her path forward. And if it doesn’t, that is okay too.
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